To provide an online income opportunity where you can Earn while you Learn by providing a complete business system with full training and support.

Our goal is to assist you to work Smarter not Harder to create a life with time freedom, flexibility and balance.

Spend more time doing the thing you love.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them 

- “Walt Disney”



We had a Real Estate office and decided to close it down. After that I tried working for another company it just wasn’t working, I felt very much at the effect of others’ decisions. It was time for a change.


 We both have loved Personal Development since our mid 20’s and have done many courses and bought many books over the years. One for me was “Awaken The Giant within.” by Tony Robbins and Sue’s was “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. These books were instrumental in changing the way we thought about life, and most importantly, how we could create the life that we wanted. The information we learned in these books set our lives on an entirely different path. One day, I saw  a website similar to this one and boom we were in. 


 The business that I was led to that day, is this one. What I went looking for was a financial solution. What we found here is so much more. We work with award winning Personal Development products and that we can tap into a global economy connecting with people from all over the world. We’re  incredibly privileged to work with incredible entrepreneurs that make every day feel like a dream. The training and support is amazing and you’ll never feel alone. 

I retired from a very successful Corporate career when I was 35, which was a goal I set when I left University. I was then a Director in a very large successful U.S. multinational with 450 people reporting to me.

I would contribute a lot of my success in the Corporate World to my belief in myself, hard work, my passion for Personal Development and appetite for learning in general. I started out working in a male dominated technical environment. Some people told me it was a bad move because I would have to be twice as good as any male counter part to be successful. Maybe that was the case but I never felt that I was not equal or less worthy than anyone else. This belief helped to propel me forward because I did not have self-limiting beliefs. I saw many people hold themselves back because they resigned themselves to the fact that someone else would get “that promotion”. I never look at things that way, life may not always be fair, but I sure as hell am not going to tip the balance in anyone else’s favour by not believing that I can do anything I set my mind to.

Achieving success is a challenge, but it’s about making a decision to take that step in the direction you want to go and then committing to finishing the job. It’s about taking control of your life. For me it’s also about being true to yourself and maintaining your integrity with others.

Sharpen Your Focus

One thing I have always focused on is being in control of the things I can control, and not getting caught up in the things I can’t.

Many people don’t move forward because they are too busy looking at things they can’t control.

Self Belief is Key

We should all want to achieve success and if we don’t we are wasting a great opportunity in this great planet of ours.

Whatever success you crave – you can achieve it– all you need is that passion, belief that you can do it and the action required to finish the job.

Next Step

Reach out for a brief interview.

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